Saturday, December 12, 2009

Layouts I designed in Quark

Table of Contents page for Southeastern's 2010 Study Abroad magazine

Content and design by me (story in the 2010 Study Abroad magazine)

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Makings of the Media Package

Putting the actual media package together wasn't so bad because I kept up with posting my stories on my blog. I wish I had done the same with linking so it wouldn't have been so much to do at the end.

The hard part was getting the content. Erica Bartolina is really nice and open, but she's also busy. The initial interview took the longest to nail. After the interview, I noticed a problem. It was a good problem to have but still a problem. Bartolina gave me a ton of information, and it was difficult to pick out things for my stories - especially when I found everything so interesting. That was another issue...I love this stuff so I thought everything was awesome, but it wasn't easy to gauge what my audience would like.

I'd also like to note the photography. The pictures weren't easy to get. I took hundreds to get a few good ones, or I thought a lot were good but could only use so many. It was worth it though. I'm glad I have experience with all this now.